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Body language and its meaning

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does this sign mean?
It definitely means stop!
What is she doing? What does it mean?
What is she doing? What does it mean?
What is she doing? What does it mean?
She's pulling her hair out. It could mean she's bored, frustrated, irritated, or nervous.
What is she doing? What does it mean?
She's rolling her eyes. It might mean she's annoyed, frustrated, or irritated.
What is she doing? What does it mean?
She's wrinkling her nose. It definitely means she's disgusted.
Maybe it _________ he's irritated.
It could___________ she's bored.
It__________ mean he's embarrassed.
may, might, could, must
It__________ means he's frustrated.
probably, possibly, definitely, maybe, perhaps
What does it mean when he is scratching his head?
It definitely means she's bored, confused.
What does it mean when she is wrinkling her nose?
It (maybe, perhaaps, probably, definitely) means it's disgusting.
What does it mean when a student is rolling his eyes?
annoyed, frustrated, irritated
What does it mean when people are pulling their hair out?
bored, frustrated, irritated, and nervous
What does it mean when a woman is biting her nails?
impatient, nervous
What does it mean when someone is tapping its foot?
It definitely means impatient , nervous, irritated.
What does this sign mean?
It maybe means you can't make a U turn.
What does this sign mean?
It could mean you are allowed to swim here.
What does this sign mean?
You have to mute your cellphone here.
What does this sign mean?
It must mean you are allowed to go straight or turn to the left.
What does this sign mean?
What does this sign mean?
It must mean you aren't allowed to drink tap water.
What does this sign mean?
Perhaps it means you have got to take the stairs in case of fire.
You can't light a fire here. (allow)
You aren't allowed to light a fire here.
Perhaps that sign mean you have to wear a helmet in this area. (might)
It might mean you have to wear a helmet in this area.