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B1 Health+PrPerfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Alex so good at swimming? -He does it professionally. He ______ (compete) many times
has competed
Do you know this promising ballet dancer? - Sure, It`s Julia, she _____ (be fond of) dancing since her childhood, that`s why she`s so good.
has been fond of
Could I speak to Agatha? - Sorry, She`s a little busy now. Her sister and her niece _______(come, just)
have just come
Mary, congratulations! Your course is almost finished! How long _______ (work) on it?
How long have you worked
Where is Eva? - She ____ (go, already) to Patriki with her mother
has already gone
Maria is absent today, isn`t she? Where __ she __(go)? -She _____ to Dubai for a holiday. She ____(be) there twice.
has she gone, flew, has been
______(see) Alice lately? -- No, I ________. I ____(talk) to her and her brother last week. But I _________ (meet) her since then
Have you seen, haven`t, talked, haven`t met
He was given _________ at the scene of the accident and it saved his life
first aid
What`s the difference between a hospital and a health centre?
Hospital is bigger and surgeries are conducted there
An illness followed by fever, stomachache and vomiting
virus, food poisoning
It`s a very serious problem when someone feels a strong pain in their chest
heart attack
I had a terrible headache, so I took some ______
Where do you sit before you see a doctor?
waiting room