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Farmers and the British Rule

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the Government do after they saw the farmers protesting?
The government decided not to increase the tax.
List some ways in which the farmers protested against the British.
They hid their belongings, the let all the cows run free to confuse the British and they also refused to give the British officers food, water or place to rest.
List some ways in which the farmers protested against the British.
They carried out processions, they kicked the Zamindaars out of the village and refused to work for them.
The Indian Farmers became richer and the British became poorer.
The British bought the crops at a low price in India and sold it at high prices in England.
In the beginning, the British came to India as ___________________.
If the farmers did not have enough money to pay the tax, what did they do?
They would borrow money from the moneylenders.
What would happen if the Indian farmers couldn't pay their taxes to the British?
The British would take away the land and sell it in an auction.
The Indian farmers had to pay high ________ to the Zamindaars and British.
Who was the Britisher who forced the farmers to grow cash crops?
Lord Dalhousie
What crops did the British force the Indian farmers to grow?
Cotton, Silk, Indigo, Tea and Spices