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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you think about our question? 1. Easy 2. hard 3. normal
A ____ little girl with blue dress. 1. pretty 2. ugly 3. clean
Lucia which/ who dressed up as sonic was funniest. Cjoose teh correct relative pronoun!
Someone who cries a lot is........?
Another word for exciting is anxious. Ture or false
Some people celebrate both/ as well/ also friends and family.
He was one of the nine members of skillful____when the plane went down. 1.crew 2. ropes 3. anchor
1. crew
Another word for big is......?
enormous, huge
An adjective to describe the planet pandora.
This is sa great film. I think you _____. 1.’ll love 2.’re loving It
1. 'll love
The boat, no longer held fast by its _____, swung wildly. 1. anchor 2. prow 3. crew
1. anchor
We are unhappy when Tr give _____ lots of homework. 1. You 2. They 3. us
I’m listening to the wind in the ____. 1.rigging 2. mast 3. Sail
3. sail
Sam is only 12. She isn’t ___ enough to drive car. 1. Old 2. Young 3. Poor
1. old
What is another word for scary?
These gloves are very ____. I need a new one. 1. Old 2. beautiful 3. Cheap
Monkey are ____ dog. 1. Smarter than 2. bigger than 3. fatter than
smarter than
Tag Questions! You love learning, ____.
don't you?