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Irregular verbs Begginer

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He (know) many languages when he was young.
He knew many languages when he was young.
He (say) he (hear) a strange sound outside the house.
He said he heard a strange sound outside the house.
I (have) lunch with a friend in a restaurant.
I had lunch with a friend in a restaurant.
My wife (go ) to Egypt last summer.
My wife went to Egypt last summer.
I (give) my boyfriend a Christmas present and he was happy.
I gave my boyfriend a Christmas present and he was happy.
She (get) many birthday presents.
She got many birthday presents.
Wow! I (find) 500$ yesterday on the road.
Wow! I found 500$ yesterday on the road.
All family (eat) breakfast together last morning.
All family ate breakfast together last morning.
He (drink) a lot af alcohol yesterday and (sleep) all day.
He drank a lot af alcohol yesterday and slept all day.
David (do) homework all day yesterday.
David did homework all day yesterday.
My son (catch) a butterfly 2 days ago.
My son caught a butterfly 2 days ago.
My husband (come) home late yesterday at night.
My husband came home late yesterday at night.
I (can) speak English when I was 15 years old.
I could speak English when I was 15 years old.
This family (buy) a house last month.
This family bought a house last month.
The lesson (begin) 2 minitus ago
The lesson begun 2 minutes ago.
She (drive) to Minsk and her car (break) yesterday.
She drove to Minsk and her car broke yesterday