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All about STARS

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What is the luminous star composed mainly of hydrogen and helium around which Earth and other planets revolve?
The sun
How do astronomers use our sun to measure other stars?
It's solar mass
Which region of the sun produces all the heat and light we receive on Earth?
The core
About how long does it take light to travel from the sun to earth?
8 minutes
What is an object making a complete turn on its axis?
On which region of the sun can you find sunspots?
The photosphere
What is heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another; convection or rotation?
What are the relatively cool, dark spots appearing periodically in groups on the surface of the sun that are associated with strong magnetic fields?
Sun spots
What is a large, bright, gaseous feature extending outward from the sun's surface, often in a loop shape?
What is a sudden eruption of magnetic energy released on or near the surface of the sun?
Solar Flare
Which star would have the greatest true brightness; Canopus- absolute magnitude of -2.50 or Rigel- absolute magnitude of -8.10?
What is a volume of space mostly empty of matter, such as oxygen, to breathe; vacuum or microgravity?
Where are blue stars found on an HR diagram?
At the left.
Describe microgravity.
The almost complete absence of gravity that can only be found in space.
What is a space walk?
An activity in which an astronaut moves around and does work outside a spacecraft while in space.
What are tiny meteoroids traveling fast enough to damage spacecraft called; micrometeoroids or vacuum?
VY Canis Majoris is a very, very large star. It is an extremely bright, cool red star. Where would it be found on the HR diagram?
Top right
What is the term for how bright a star appears to us on Earth; special relativity or apparent magnitude?
Apparent magnitude
What describes the true brightness of a star; absolute magnitude or true luminosity?
Absolute magnitude
What is a person trained to be a part of a spacecraft crew called?
What variable is on the X-axis of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?
What is a complex system of garments that allow astronauts to work safely outside their spacecraft called?
Space suit