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Can or can't you?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can Giuli walk?
Yes, he can.
Can Clemi cook spaghetti?
No, she can't.
Can Sophie dance hiphop?
No, she can't.
Can Álvaro write?
Yes, he can.
Can Leo look without glasses?
No, he can't.
Can Thomas smile?
Yes, he can.
Can Diego climb a mountain?
No, he can't.
Can Alex draw?
Yes, he can.
Can Keira dive?
No, she can't.
Can Dídac sit on a chair?
Yes, he can.
Can Ramón read a book?
Yes, he can.
Can Júlia fly?
No, she can't.
Can Nil eat 50 pizzas?
No, he can't.
Can Lucas ride a bike?
Yes, he can.
Can Adrián speak Chinese?
No, he can't.
Can Quim do a marathon of Harry Potter?
Yes, he can.
Can Tena speak Croatian?
Yes, she can.
Can Irene hop?
Yes, she can.
Can Paula catch a ball?
Yes, she can.
Can Pau jump?
Yes, he can.
Can Ismael eat a book?
No, he can't.
Can Aimar play football?
Yes, he can.