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Early Republic 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which Supreme Court case ruling increased the power of the national government when it gave them control over interstate commerce?
Gibbons v. Ogden
What was the name of the protest by farmers in Pennsylvania in response to the taxes on whiskey?
Whiskey Rebellion
What is a protective tariff?
a tax on imported goods to protect American industries from foreign competition
Who were the explorers sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
Lewis and Clark
Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?
Francis Scott Key
What Supreme Court case dealt with the issue of whether or not a state could tax the national government?
McCulloch v. Maryland
What foreign policy told European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere?
Monroe Doctrine
What election ended in a tie before Thomas Jefferson was elected president?
Election of 1800
Who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during which the power of the national government was increased?
John Marshall
What is impressment?
forced kidnapping of American sailors
How did the U.S. acquire Florida?
through the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819
Who was president during the Era of Good Feelings?
James Monroe
What were some of the causes of the War of 1812?
impressment, freedom of the seas, British supplied Natives with weapons
Who was known as the "Great Compromiser"?
Henry Clay
What were the components of Hamilton's Financial Plan?
create National Bank, tax on whiskey, tariffs
Who was president during the War of 1812?
James Madison
What compromise maintained the balance of power between free and slave states?
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Who did the U.S. purchase Louisiana from and for how much?
France for $15 million
Which Supreme Court case gave the power of judicial review to the Supreme Court?
Marbury v. Madison
What is the power of the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress and the president unconstitutional?
judicial review
What did the Treaty of Ghent do?
ended the War of 1812
What amendment were the Alien & Sedition Acts violating? 1st amendment
1st amendment
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions first introduced what idea?
states' rights
Who became known as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
When war broke out between France and Great Britain, how did Washington respond?
stayed neutral with Proclamation of Neutrality
What were some of the warnings that Washington gave the nation in his Farewell Address?
stay away from political parties and avoid permanent alliances
What law prohibited Americans from trading with all European nations?
Embargo Act
Who was president during the XYZ Affair?
John Adams
What is the significance of 1803?
Louisiana Purchase
Which territory was purchased from Spain for $5 million?