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You can waste a lot of time ___ a car ___ traffic jams.
You can waste a lot of time in a car in traffic jams.
The journey was a good one, and I met an old friend ___ the train.
The journey was a good one, and I met an old friend on the train.
Our next destination was Italy, where we spent a week ___ the seaside.
Our next destination was Italy, where we spent a week at the seaside.
The seaside is the ideal place for a family holiday because children can swim ___ the sea as well as play ___ the beach.
The seaside is the ideal place for a family holiday because children can swim in the sea as well as play on the beach.
Despite spending two hours a day commuting, I prefer living ___ the outskirts of London.
Despite spending two hours a day commuting, I prefer living in the outskirts of London.
I was alone ___ home – my parents were ___ a party and my sister was ___ a friend’s house.
I was alone at home – my parents were at a party and my sister was at a friend’s house.
I think that your cinema is the best ___ the city.
I think that your cinema is the best in the city.
I am studying English ___ school, and a spell in your country would be a great chance for me to improve.
I am studying English at school, and a spell in your country would be a great chance for me to improve.
Every year, many people are injured ___ the roads because of bad driving.
Every year, many people are injured on the roads because of bad driving.
Every Sunday, we got up early and went for a walk ___ the mountains.
Every Sunday, we got up early and went for a walk in the mountains.
… but ___ college I was ___ a course that didn’t do street dance.
… but at college I was on a course that didn’t do street dance.
That’s why my heart lies ___ theatre acting, because it’s more structured.
That’s why my heart lie in theatre acting, because it’s more structured.
When I’m not auditioning, I’m often rehearsing or reading through a script ___ home.
When I’m not auditioning, I’m often rehearsing or reading through a script at home.
I’m an actor and I spend a lot of time auditioning for roles ___ the theatre and in films.
I’m an actor and I spend a lot of time auditioning for roles in the theatre and in films.
I started doing martial arts ___ school and then went on to study ___ drama college
I started doing martial arts at school and then went on to study at drama college