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Earth's Energy

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What color of visible light has the longest wavelength?
Which has the shortest wavelengths?
Gamma Rays
Which has the largest wavelengths?
Radio Waves
Global Winds...
Winds that blow over long distances.
Sea Breeze...
Wind that blows from the sea to the land during the day.
Land Breeze...
Wind that blows from the land to the sea at night.
What is a Convection Current?
Warm air rising because its less dense, once it becomes cooler it sinks because its more dense.
What form of heat transfer is shown?
What form of heat transfer is shown?
What form of heat transfer is shown?
Radiation is
Transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves.
Convection is
Transfer of energy due to density differences (high pressure to low pressure)
Conduction is
Transfer by direct contact of molecules.
Why is the sky blue?
Due to scattering of shorter wavelengths of visible light
What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Gasses trap heat in the air keeping the Earth at a comfortable temperature.
How does the Sun's heat energy heat the Earth?
Radiation through electromagnetic waves.