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Food unit 2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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讗谞讞谞讜 砖讜转讬诐 诪讬抓 转驻讜讝讬诐
We drink orange juice.
讛诐 爪专讬讻讬诐 砖讜拽讜诇讚 诇注讜讙讬讜转
They need some chocolate for the cookies.
讗谞讬 爪专讬讱/讻讛 讞诇讘 诇拽讜专谞驻诇拽住
I need milk for the cereal.
讗谞讬 专讜爪讛 讚讙 讜爪讬驻住
I want fish and chips.
讗谞讬 专讜爪讛 拽爪转 讞诇讘
I want some milk.
讬砖谞讜 诪讬抓 诇讬讚 讛讙诇讬讚讛
There is juice next to the ice cream.
讬砖谞诐 诪讬诐 讘讻讜住
There is water in the glass.
讬砖谞讜 讗讜专讝 讘爪诇讞转
There is rice in the dish.
pie - 讘专讘讬诐
brush - 讘专讘讬诐
potato - 讘专讘讬诐
leaf - 讘专讘讬诐
day - 讘专讘讬诐
family - 讘专讘讬诐
讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘/转 驻住讟讛 注诐 讻讚讜专讬 讘砖专
I like pasta with meatballs.
讬砖谞讛 讘讬爪讛 讘转讜讱 讛住谞讚讜讜讬抓
There is an egg in the sandwich.
讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘/转 诇讗讻讜诇 注讜祝
I like to eat chicken.
讬砖谞诐 讬专拽讜转 讘诪专拽.
There are vegetables in the soup.
注讙讘谞讬讜转, 诪诇驻驻讜谞讬诐 讜讘爪诇讬诐 讛诐 讘专讬讗讬诐
Tomatoes, cucumbers and onions are healthy.
讗谞讬 诪讻讬谉/谞讛 住诇讟 注诐 讙讝专讬诐
I make salad with carrots.
讗谞讬 讗讜讻诇/转 讗讜专讝 讜讘砖专 诇讗专讜讞转 注专讘
I eat meat and rice for supper/ dinner.
讗谞讬 讗讜讻诇/转 驻讬专讜转 讜讬专拽讜转.
I eat fruit and vegetables.
讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘/转 诇讞诐 注诐 讙讘讬谞讛
I like bread with cheese.
讗谞讬 讗讜讻诇/转 诪专拽 诇讗专讜讞转 爪讛专讬讬诐
I eat soup for lunch.