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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Traduce a Español: In the forest of Brasil, there are many waterfalls
En el bosque de Brasil, hay muchas cataratas
Traduce a Español: Have you been to Madrid? It has many famous monuments
Conoces a Madrid? Tiene muchos monumentos famosos
Traduce a Español: Do you know that in Spain they have dinner at 11 p.m.
Sabes que en Espana, se cenan a las once de la noche?
Traduce la frase : Sabes que en India, se comen con mano derecha
Do you know that in India they eat with the right hand
Traduce la frase : Has ido al Japon? Tiene un volcan muy grande
Have you been to Japan? They have a very big volcano
Traduce la frase : Hemos viajado a cinco paises pero todavia no conozco a Portugal
We have travelled to 5 countries but I still haven't been to Portugal
Qué significa: Volcan
Qué significa: Bosque
Qué significa: Cataratas