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Midwest Region Unit Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What natural resource in the Midwest is used as fuel to produce electricity?
What is iron ore used for?
to create steel which is used in buildings and machinery
Who explored the Mississippi River?
Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet
What was Chicago before it was a large city?
Trading Post
What is a port city?
a city that began near a waterway
What natural resource from the Midwest can be found in the Empire State Building in New York City?
Give one detail about the Mississippi River.
It is 2,350 miles long. It starts in Minnesota and ends at the Gulf of Mexico. carries more water than any other river in North America.
What is the greatest of all rivers found in the Midwest?
How were the Great Lakes formed?
by glaciers long ago
Name two of the four Great Lakes in the Midwest.
Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Superior, or Lake Michigan
What is a hub?
the center of a transportation network
What is a system of wide, fast roads connecting all states?
Interstate Highway
What is an area of rough land and light vegatation in western South Dakota?
the Badlands
What is a destructive column of spinning air?
What do we call an area of flat rolling land covered mostly by grasses and wildflowers?
Who invented the first afforable automobile?
Henry Ford
Who started the trading post that would later become Chicago?
Jean Baptiste Du Sable
Who improved the steel plow so it could cut through thick prairie grass?
John Deere