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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is the nymph singing for?
Who is Aphrodite?
Goddess of love
What happens to Eurydice at the end of the story?
She dissapears
Who is Kayron?
He lives in the underworld and brings people across the river
Who is guarding the gates to the underworld?
3 headed dog named Cerebus
What kills Eurydice?
A snake bite
Why do we have seasons according to Greek mythology?
While Persephone is home with her parents, Demeter is happy and when she goes back to the Underworld Demeter is unhappy so it's winter
Who is the messenger god?
Who is Persephone?
Hades' wife & Zeus' daughter
What does Aphrodite make in Narcissus' honor?
A flower
What happens to Narcissus?
He dies
Where does Narcissus stay all day and night?
Next to the water staring at his reflection
What do Narcissus' parents think about his new love interest?
They think he is crazy
Who does Narcissus fall in love with?
His reflection in the water
Who hears Narcissus and wants to punish him?
Is Narcissus attractive or ugly?
Very attractive
What does Hera forbid the nymph from doing?
Singing and speaking her own words
What does Hera name the nymph?
True or False. Peaceful means free from disturbance
Zeus is king of what?
King of the Gods