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Freak & the Mighty 16-20

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does Kenny come to get Max during the day or at night?
At night
Why was Max called into the principals office?
To send a message to him from Kenny
What did Max say he will do if he's put back in the learning disability class?
He will run away
Does Max really have a learning disability?
What does Loretta do to Freak's head?
She rubs it for good luck
What does Loretta Lee look like?
Scrawny blonde woman
Why did Gram forbid Max from going to the New Testaments?
It is a bad area of town
What did Freak give Max for Christmas?
A book with made up words
Who is Annie?
Max's mom
What did Freak say was in the water gun?
How old was Max when his mom died?
4 years old
What did Max reveal about his mother's death at the end of chapter 20?
He saw his dad kill his mom
What kind of food does Loretta offer Kenny and Max?
Why did Kevin and Max travel to The New Testaments?
To return the purse
How did the police find out where Kenny and Max were hiding?
Freak told them
Who went down and tried to untie Max?
What does functional mean?
In working order
What does precaution mean?
Action taken ahead of time
What does "accommodations" mean?
Room or lodging
What word means "swollen; puffed up?"
Who said, "I tried to stop you and I couldn't. You carried me back to my room and put me to bed and told me I was just dreaming."
How was Max rescued from the building?
Freak shot Kenny in the eye
Why did Kenny tie up Max?
He didn't trust Max, he thought he would try to get away
Where did Kenny take Max?
to the "New Testaments"
Kenny said Max is like a "chip off the old block." What does that mean?
Max looks just like him
When Killer Kane came to take Max away, where did he find him?
in the "Down Under"