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Complete First Revision Units 1-7

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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William has only spoken to his boss once during the year. OCCASION . William has only spoken to his boss ___________all year.
William has only spoken to his boss on one occasion all year.
She had carried out a lot of research/researches before she chose her university course.
Sara wasn't enjoying the party, so she made/got/did and excuse and left.
I'm making/doing this English course because I'm hoping to study in the UK next year.
Could you do/make me a favour and let me copy your notes?
If you can't (obtain) __________ some ripe tomatoes, add some tomato puree.
get hold of
I am sure she was lying. She'd _________ all the stories about her boyfriend.
made up
If you can't ____________ no one will ever trust you.
keep a promise
I need a rest - all this shopping has ________me _________.
worn out
Dad will _____ you _______ from the airport when you arrive.
pick up
The news surprised her so much that she couldn't speak. ASTONISHED She was __________ the news to speak.
She was too astonished by the news to speak.
He is not very enthusiastic because he's tired. SO If _______________, he'd be more enthusiastic.
If he wasn't so tired, he'd be more enthusiastic.
I can't tell you the answer, because I don't know. WOULD If I ____________tell you.
If I knew the answer, I would tell you.
I'll lend you my book if you take care of it. AFTER If you __________, you can borrow it.
If you (promise to)look after my book, you can borrow it.
Sandra only goes to lessons because she wants to meet other students. ATTEND If Sandra didn't want to meet other students, ____________ lessons.
If Sandra didn't want to meet other students, she wouldn't attend lessons.
Studying abroad will make you more independent. BECOME If you __________ more independent.
If you study abroad, you will become more independent.
He won't pass the test because he doesn't work hard enough. HARDER If he worked ___________ pass the test.
If he worked harder, he would pass the test.
When my teacher _________ my essay, she ________ that I hadn't answered the question exactly and that there was a lot that was irrelevant.
handed back, pointed out
When I _________ to when I first started secondary school, I realise that I didn't expect to enjoy studying.
look back
Elena works hard because she wants to __________her parents' ambitions for her.
live up to
Our science teacher is ill, so she has __________ out test until she has _______ her infection and is back at work.
put off, got over
It's getting harder for students to __________ copying essays from the Internet, because teachers check up.
get away with