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Simple future will

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Negative: Cesar will pass his driving test tomorrow.
Cesar won't pass his driving test tomorrow.
Check the mistakes My sister will marries next summer.
My sister will marry next summer.
Check the mistakes: My cat won't likes its new food.
My cat won't like its new food.
Chek mistakes: My friends and I don't go to the cinema next weekend.
My friends and I won't go to the cinema next weekend.
Question: your mother/ work / next friday?
Will your mother work next friday?
Question: My cousins and I / play / board games?
Will my cousins and I play board games?
Questions: you/ go/ to the party?
Will you go to the party?
Negative: My dog will eat all its food.
My dog won't eat all its food
Negative: My grandparents will visit Salta next year.
My grandparents won't visit Salta next year.
Posittive: People / stay/ at home these days.
People will stay at home these days.
Possitive: The children / fly kites/ in the park this weekend.
The children will fly kites in the park this weekend.
Positive: She/ work/ tomorrow
She will work tomorrow