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What are the policies implemented to the Filipinos after the American's establishment of the civil Government. (Name 2)
▪Granting the Filipinos rights similar to those enjoyed by the Americans; ▪ Use of the English language as the medium of instruction;
True or False: Tyding-Mcduffie Act shared similarities with the first version of the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act
Who served as a vice president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines from 1935?
Sergio Osmena
Who served as president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines from 1935?
Manuel L. Quezon
This is also known as "transitional government"
Philippine Commonwealth
When does Franklin Roosevelt signed the Tydings-McDuffie Act into law?
March 24, 1934
This is also known as “Philippine Independence Law”
Who are the authors of HARE-HAWES-CUTTING ACT?
Drafted by Butler Hare, Harry Bartow and Bronson Cutting
This law provides for the granting of Philippine Independence after a ten-year transition period or training for governance.
Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act
This was created on November 7, 1918.
Independence Mission
This is also known as “Philippine Autonomy Act”
Jones Law of 1916
True or False: Jones Law of 1916 "Important provision is to establish of a legislative branch with two chambers- the Senate (42 elected members) and the House of Representatives (80 members)."
False: Jones Law of 1916 "Important provision is to establish of a legislative branch with two chambers- the Senate (24 elected members) and the House o
Who is the author of "JONES LAW OF 1916"
William Atkinson Jones
"Right to life, the right to own property, and freedom of expression." PHILIPPINE BILL OF 1902 or JONES LAW OF 1916
Who is the author of “Cooper Act”
Henry Allen Cooper;
This is the first law passed by the US Congress that served as the basis for the administration of the Philippines.
Philippine Bill of 1902