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Present Perfect Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The baby ________ (learn) to walk when she was 12 months old.
The baby LEARNED to walk when she was 12 months old.
Meg _____ (have) her Honda Accord for 18 years. It still works very well.
Meg HAS HAD her Honda Accord for 18 years. It still works very well.
Correct the mistake: Last month, Annie has traveled to India to visit her college friend.
Last month, Annie WENT to India to visit her college friend.
We ______ (study) the present perfect for a week, and you _____ (understand) it now!
We HAVE BEEN STUDYING the present perfect for a week, and you UNDERSTAND it now!
I _________ (see) the Black Panther movie yet, but I _____ (want) to see it!
I HAVEN'T SEEN the Black Panther movie yet, but I WANT to see it!
Q: Have you ever eaten a frog? B: No, I ______(eat) , but I really want to in the future! Use YET in your answer.
No, I haven't eaten one yet , but I really want to in the future!
Meg ______ (look) for a house on the Internet since 2018.
has been looking
Meg ___________ (want) to buy a house for a long time.
Meg has wanted to buy a house for a long time.
FOR or SINCE? The glaciers have been melting ______________ 30 years.
Correct 2 mistakes: I have been seeing that movie 3 times, and I am wanting to see it again.
I have SEEN that movie 3 times, and I WANT to see it again.
My neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez. I know them since I am a child. (Correct 2 mistakes)
My neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez. I HAVE knowN them since I WAS a child.
Q: When will Mr. Smith retire? A: Soon, I think. He _____ (work) here for a really long time.
has been working OR has worked (daily habit verb)