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Final Lv2 Jan 2021

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What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
The future
People eat me when watching something, I'm white and get stuck in people's teeth
I am popular for winter sports. I can be very dangerous. You can go up or down me. I get colder as you go higher.
I'll keep your hair dry. Bring me just in case. I'm long and light to carry. Don't open me in the house. I hope you don't need me today.
I am a home for royalty. There are many of me in England. I am made of stone. I am protected by a ring of water. I'm found in many legends.
I am associated with Spring. I love to hop in the grass. I play in your vegetable garden. My teeth are long and sharp. I am soft to pet.
I come in a pair. You have to tie and untie me. Don't go outside without me. Take me off before you go in the water. I come in a very useful box.
I am a safe ride. I go very high in the sky. You will get service on me. You can watch a movie inside me. I might make your ears pop.
Children love to play with me. I am not useful indoors. Don't tangle my long string. Look up and watch me dance. Run if you want me to fly faster.
I use a long track. I transport heavy loads. Many tourists use me. Watch for lights to stop for me. I will show you beautiful scenery.