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GCE GOLD - U4 - Conditionals

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I ________ (know) how to sing, I ________ (sign up) for The Voice.
knew - would sign up
If I __________ (be) you, I __________ (tell) your friend your secret.
were - would tell
The answer _______ (be) easy if I _______ (know) where to search for information. But I really do not know!
would be - knew
The answer _______ (be) easy if I _______ (know) where to search for information. Luckily Jenny told me in the end.
would have been - had known
She _______ (tell) you as soon as you _______ (come), so hurry up!
will tell - come
The students _______ (get) themselves into trouble if they _______ (not/tell) the teacher about stealing the test last week. But they did tell him..
wouldn't have gotten - hadn't told
My mother _______ (be) angry with me if she _______ (know) that I smoke. Luckily, she does not know it.
would be - knew
If you _______ (add) any more sugar into your tea, it _______ (not/be) fit to drink at all.
add - won't be
Unless I _______ (put) on woolen socks in winters, I always _______ (catch) a cold.
put - catch
I _______ (get) there on time if my teacher _______ (not/ask) me to clean the classroom after the lesson was over.
would have gotten - hadn't asked
If blackbirds _______ (come) back early in spring, it _______ (mean) that the summer will be cool.
come - means
If I _______ (can) fly, I _______ (fly) far, far away.
could - would fly
If you _______ (hurry) up then we _______ (not/be) late. But, no, you just did not want to move!
had hurried - wouldn't have been
Come on! If you _______ (hurry) up then we _______ (not/be) late.
hurry - won't be