Edit Game
Gold II T1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the third month of the year?
What is the second month of the year?
Make a FULL sentence using the following words - will, go
I will go to the park tonight (for example).
Make a FULL sentence using the following words - will (negative), teacher
I won't give the teacher my homework (for example).
Make a FULL sentence using the following words - will, eat
I will eat breakfast tomorrow (for example).
Which is correct? I won't watch the TV tonight // I go won't to school today
I won't watch the TV tonight
Which is correct? I will to go to the park after school // I will have dinner at 8 O'clock
I will have dinner at 8 O'clock
Put this question in the correct order. us/give/homework/did/teacher/the
Did the teacher give us homework?
Put this question in the correct order. night/TV/last/watch/did/you/the/programme
Did you watch the TV programme last night?
Put this question in the correct order. play/yesterday/you/football/did
Did you play football yesterday?
Saw - is this past tense verb regular or irregular?
Did- is this past tense verb regular or irregular?
Talked - is this past tense verb regular or irregular?
Regular (-ed)
Walked - is this past tense verb regular or irregular?
Regular (-ed)
They watched the match yesterday - say the negative and question for this sentence.
They didn't watch the match yesterday // Did they watch the match yesterday?
Which is correct? I didn't tell him anything // I don't told him anything
I didn't tell him anything
Which is correct? I didn't like the cake // I not liked the cake
I didn't like the cake
Which is correct? I didn't went to school yesterday // I didn't go to school yesterday
I didn't go to school yesterday
What is the past tense of "read"?
read (pronounced /red/)
What is the past tense of "tell"?
What is the past tense of "you are"?
you were
What is the past tense of "I am"?
I was
What is the past tense of "buy"?
What is the past tense of "write"?
What is the past tense of "play"?
What is the past tense of "go"?
What is the past tense of "get"?
"I went to Paris last summer"- give me the negative of this sentence and the question
I didn't go to Paris last summer. Did I go to Paris last summer?
"You learned to swim last year" - give me the negative of this sentence and the question
You didn't learn to swim last year. Did you learn to swim last year?
We played football last week - give me the negative of this sentence and the question
We didn't play football last week. Did we play football last week?
Make a sentence using 'Have Got' and a physical description...
I have got brown hair... (for example)
Make a sentence using 'Have Got' and a family member...
I have got a grandma... (for example)
Make a sentence using 'Have Got' and a possession...
I have got a football... (for example)
What are these?
What is this activity called?
What is this activity called?
What is this activity called?
This is a ...?
board game
What is this activity called?
The girl is ______ a bike.
riding (ride)
The boy is _______ a photograph.
taking (take)
I sometimes go to the park // I go to sometimes the park - which is correct?
I sometimes go to the park
I do my homework never // I never do my homework - which is correct?
I never do my homework
I always speak English in class // I speak always English in class - which is correct?
I always speak English in class
Translate 'a veces' to English.
Translate 'nunca' to English.
Translate 'a menudo' to English.
Translate 'siempre' to English.
I ____________ a big house in the countryside. (have) Have or has?
I _________ exercise 3 times a week.
The man __________ a red car. (have) Have or has?
The girl ________ Karate. (do)
The boy is _________
getting dressed (get dressed) / putting on (his clothes)
What is the 7th month of the year?
What is the 6th month of the year?
What is the first month of the year?
What is this?
school bag
Describe this activity.....
Wake up/Get out of bed
They are __________ the TV. What's the missing verb?
watching (watch)
What is the final meal of the day?
What is the second meal of the day (at 2pm)
What is the first meal of the day?
What is this activity called?
Brushing your teeth