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Name that Genre

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In this genre the information about the time period must be accurate, authentic, or both. The story is a reconstruction of past events and people.
Historical Fiction
This genre typically deals with the future concepts such as advancements in scientific concepts and technology. Other elements could include, space travel, time travel and / or parallel universes.
Science Fiction
Stories that are passed down from one group to another in history for generations
Folktales (Traditional Literature)
A type of fantasy that is supernatural and has advance technology.
Science Fiction (Sci-fi)
A story using made up characters that could happen in real life.
Realistic Fiction
Where the Sidewalk Ends would fall under what genre?
What genre is the book series Harry Potter?
What genre is the book series Little House on the Prairie?
Historical Fiction
What genre is the Magic Tree House series? (Jack & Annie)
A person writes about his/her own life.
The story is written about a person's life.
Uses acts and scenes and its written completely in dialogue.
These texts provide information about a variety of topics likes snakes, cars, space and more.
These stories are told in a comic book format.
Graphic Novel
The characters try to solve a puzzle that often involves a crime. The writer gives clues to the reader. What genre am I?
The events people and a places might be real, but the story is fiction. What genre am I?
Realistic Fiction
These stories usually take place in the past. Sometimes contain actual settings with fictional characters.
Historical Fiction
This genre uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary plot, theme or setting.