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Quiz 2 Old Testament Women

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This woman was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back as Sodom and Gomorrah were being destroyed. Noah's wife / Moses' wife / Ishmael's wife / Lot's wife
(Genesis 19:6) Lot's wife
This woman gave birth to Moses. Jochebed / Merab / Keturah / Orpah
(Exodus 6:20) Jochebed
This brave Israelite woman became queen of Persia and used her influence to protect her people, the Jews. Esther / Naomi / Ruth / Rachel
(Esther 7:3) Esther
This woman married Moses. Jezebel / Michal / Rahab / Zipporah
(Exodus 2:21) Zipporah
This woman remained with her mother-in-law, Naomi, after Naomi's husband and sons died. Hannah / Ruth / Miriam / Esther
(Ruth 1:16) Ruth
David's original wife was: Bathsheba / Miriam / Michal / Leah
(1 Samuel 18:26) Michal
This woman promised the Lord that if He would bless her with a son, she would dedicate the boy to Him. She later bore Samuel. Jezebel / Bathsheba / Hannah / Leah
(1 Samuel 1:20) Hannah
Jacob agreed to work 7 years for the hand of: Hagar / Isabel / Rachel / Gomer
(Genesis 29:28) Rachel
Looking for a wife for Isaac, Abraham's servant found: Leah / Rebekah / Rachel / Michal
(Genesis 24:67) Rebekah
Who married Abraham? Sarah / Rebekah / Rachel / Anna
(Genesis 17:15) Sarah
What does "Eve" mean? new beginnings / daughter of God / matron of the earth / mother of all living
(Genesis 3:20) mother of all living