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Conditionals B2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He didn’t take the medication as prescribed yesterday, so he is sick now.
If he’d taken the medication as prescribed yesterday, he wouldn’t be sick now.
Alex rescued a woman with a child from a burning house; he is an incredibly brave man.
Alex wouldn’t have rescued a woman with a child from a burning house if he weren’t an incredibly brave man.
Helen speaks French fluently because she lived in Paris.
If Helen hadn’t lived in Paris, she wouldn’t speak French fluently.
Paul and Marie aren’t at the party. They weren’t invited.
Paul and Marie would be at the party if they had been invited.
She can’t use her credit card today. The bank blocked it due to suspicious purchases.
he could use (be using) her credit card today if the bank hadn’t blocked it due to suspicious purchases.
His sister is so extravagant; she spent her last money on clothes and expensive restaurants.
If his sister weren’t so extravagant, she wouldn’t have spent most of her last money on clothes and expensive restaurants.
I’m not going to have a day off tomorrow because my boss asked me to go on a business trip.
If my boss hadn’t asked me to go on a business trip, I’d have a day off tomorrow.
You forgot your keys at work that’s why now you’re walking around your neighborhood and waiting for your roommate.
If you hadn’t forgotten your keys at work, you wouldn’t be walking around your neighborhood and waiting for your roommate.
You didn’t have a vacation and I guess this is the reason why you’re so exhausted.
If you had had a vacation, you wouldn’t be so exhausted.
He is quite impulsive that’s why he argued with you yesterday.
If he weren’t so impulsive, he wouldn’t have argued with you yesterday.
I worked with kids that’s why I know how to draw their attention.
If I hadn’t worked with kids, I wouldn't know how to draw their attention.
My mom entered Lviv University where she met my father.
If my mom hadn’t entered Lviv University, she wouldn’t have met my father.
It hurt her feelings because she is overly sensitive.
It wouldn’t have hurt her feelings if she wasn’t overly sensitive.
You aren’t overweight at all that’s why you looked great in that dress.
If you were overweight, you wouldn’t have looked great in that dress.
You didn’t wear warm clothes, that’s why you caught a cold.
If you had worn warm clothes, you wouldn’t have caught a cold.
You didn’t wear warm clothes and now you have a nasty cough.
If you had worn warm clothes you wouldn’t have a nasty cough.
I don’t speak Spanish. I wasn’t able to communicate with that stranger.
If I spoke Spanish, I would have communicated with that stranger.
She is a pain in the neck that’s why she didn’t get married.
If she weren't a pain in the neck, she would have got married.