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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ask a question: Stab someone in the back
Ask a question: Bigger fish to fry
Ask a question: Clean slate
DEFINE! Fishing for compliments
try to make people say good things about you
DEFINE! Sweep under the rug
to hide something damaging or unpleasant and try to keep it secret
DEFINE Cry over spilled milk
to waste time feeling sorry about an earlier mistake or problem that cannot be changed
DEFINE! All your eggs in one basket
This is a piece of advice which means that one should not concentrate all efforts and resources in one area as one could lose everything
DEFINE! Kill two birds with one stone
achieve two aims at once
DEFINE! Skeleton in the closet
a discreditable or embarrassing fact that someone wishes to keep secret
Talk! Do you think it's good to bounce ideas off of other people?
Talk! What is something you consider good for the soul?
Talk! Have you ever had a bone to pick with a friend?
Talk! What was the last window of opportunity that you had? What did you do?
Talk! Why do you think people sometimes spill the beans?
Talk! Have you ever called someones bluff? What happened next?
Talk! Have you ever cried crocodile tears? When and why?
Talk! What is your favorite cup of Joe? How often do you drink it?