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Inauguration Day/Presidential Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Whose inauguration was the first ever Twitter live streamed event? *Hint, he used twitter... A lot
Donald Trump
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the first president to host the Inauguration Ball in 1809? Tickets cost only $4!
James Madison
Barack Obama
Ronald Reagan
Who was sworn in to be the next President and Vice President of the United States?
Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris
Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Donald Trump and Mike Pence
Whose inauguration attracted record breaking crowds in 2009?
Barack Obama
Woodrow Wilson
George Washington
Whose inauguration was the first ever to be streamed live on the web in 1997?
Bill Clinton
George Washington
James Madison
The blueberry Jelly Belly jelly bean was created for which president, to celebrate his inauguration?
Ronald Reagan
John F. Kennedy
Abraham Lincoln
What is this presidents name? *Hint, he is number 35
John F. Kennedy
Franklin D. Roosevelt
George Washington
In 1949, this presidents inauguration was the first ever televised event.
Harry S. Truman
George W. Bush
George Washington
Who was president FOUR times?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Donald Trump
Barack Obama
What is this presidents name? *Hint, he's number 26
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Barack Obama
Who had the shortest speech in history? His speech was only 135 words, for the FIRST ever inauguration. *Hint, read the last sentence again
George Washington
Joe Biden
Donald Trump
What is this presidents name? *Hint, he's number 40
Ronald Reagan
Donald Trump
George Washington
Who had the longest Inauguration speech in history? He spoke for 2 hours straight! A: Abraham Lincoln B:William Henry Harrison C: Thomas Jefferson
William Henry Harrison
Barack Obama
George Washington
What item do presidents place their hand on when reciting the Oath of Office?
Stack of phone books
What was a trend for president elects to wear at Inauguration Day?
Top Hat
Swim Suit
How many Presidents are there after the most recent inauguration (January 20, 2021)?
Until 1933, Inauguration Day occurred in which month?
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Barack Obama
Who was the 1st president of the United States?
George Washington
Joe Biden
John F. Kennedy
Which two cities did the inauguration used to take place?
NYC & Philly
Detroit & Lansing
Sacramento & LA