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Cause and Effect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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As a result of the snow storm, our electricity went out. What is the signal word?
As a result of the snow storm.
As a result of the snow storm, our electricity went out. What is the effect?
Our electricity went out.
My yard was filled with limbs from my trees because it was so windy yesterday. What is the effect?
My yard was filled with limbs from my trees.
Joel was getting very angry and frustrated because none of his good deeds were being recognized as good. What is the cause?
Joel was getting very angry and frustrated
We went to the grocery store because we needed sour cream, eggs, and milk. What is the signal word?
We went to the grocery store because we needed sour cream, eggs, and milk. What is the cause?
We needed sour cream, eggs, and milk.
A great twister picked up Aunty Em’s house, and as a result, Dorothy and Toto ended up in the wonderful world of Oz. What is the cause?
A great twister picked up Aunty Em’s house.
A great twister picked up Aunty Em’s house, and as a result, Dorothy and Toto ended up in the wonderful world of Oz. What is the signal word?
as a result
Since it was so chilly outside, Benjamin built up a big fire in his fireplace. What is the signal word?
Since it was so chilly outside, Benjamin built up a big fire in his fireplace. What is the effect?
Benjamin built up a big fire in his fireplace.
It had begun to rain so Sally and Jake had to run inside. What is the signal word?
It began to rain so Sally and Joe rain inside. What is the cause.
It began to rain.