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Error Correction BE3 January

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have the plan of became a teacher.
I have a plan of becoming a teacher. / I plan to become a teacher.
When I study the career...
When I study a degree/go to university...
I like to spend time see Netflix.
I like to spend time watching Netflix.
I think we do bad something in this exercise.
I think we have done something wrong in this exercise.
My favourite city that I visit is Roma.
My favourite city that I have visited is Rome.
I didn't speak very good.
I didn't speak very well.
My favourite signature is Art.
My favourite subject is Art.
It came my sister's friend to my house.
My sister's friend came to my house.
There are other things important.
There are other important things.
I'm agree.
I agree.
I like being a lot of time with friends.
I like spending a lot of time with friends.
Die a lot of people in 2021.
A lot of people will die in 2021.
Nothing more
Nothing else
They work since Monday to Friday.
They work from Monday to Friday.
I went to much cities in my life.
I have been to many cities in my life.
Usually I haven’t to wear a mask in the school.
Usually I don't have to wear a mask at school.
The coffees are open again.
The cafes are open again.
Have a lot of shops in the city.
There are a lot of shops in the city.
When you have 20 years...
When you are 20 (years old)...
Things are more near of the city.
Things are nearer to the city.