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Seedbed 1 - Book B1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is "mice" singular (one) or plural (many)?
Mice is plural.
What is lacy in this picture?
The dress is lacy.
Is fancy a verb, noun or adjective?
Fancy is an adjective.
What can you put on a cone?
I can put ice cream on a cone.
What city are you from?
I am from ________________ City.
Who has a cape?
____________ has a cape.
What does a cane help you do?
A cane helps you walk.
What color is the cab?
The cab is yellow.
What is the opposite of weak?
The opposite of weak is strong.
How many people are on your team?
There are ____ people on my team.
What animal can squeak?
A mouse can squeak.
Is "spread" a verb, adjective, or noun?
Spread is a verb.
What is the girl ready to do?
The girl is ready to eat.
Is a peak the top or bottom of a mountain?
A peak is the top of a mountain.
What is heavy?
A _____________ is heavy.
Does "heat" mean hot weather or cold weather?
Heat means hot weather.
What food do you like to eat?
I like to eat ______________.
What can you put on bread?
I can put ________ on bread.
Do you like windy weather?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
It is ugly. U - G - L - Y
What can you see in the sky?
I can see ___________ in the sky.
What do you need for rainy weather?
I need a/an ____________ for rainy weather.
Who/what can fly?
___________ can fly.
What is the opposite of dry?
The opposite of dry is wet.
If you cry, do you have zest?
No, you don't.
What candy do you like?
I like _____________.
What is the stew in?
The stew is in a pot.
What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
It's a screw. S - C - R - E - W
Where can we see pews?
We can see pews in a church.
What is the opposite of new?
The opposite of new is old.
What animal makes a "mew" sound?
Cats make a "mew" sound.
Is "hew" an action word?
Yes. Hew is an action word.
What is the dew on?
The dew is on a leaf.
Is a crew made of one person or many people?
A crew is made of many people.
What tune do you like?
I like the tune of __________.
What do you see on the tube?
I see a sun on the tube.
Does "mute" mean to shout or be quiet?
Mute means to be quiet.
What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
It's a mule. M - U - L - E
Is June in the winter, spring, summer or fall?
June is in the summer.
What is a dune made of?
A dune is made of sand.
What is it? How do you spell this vocabulary word?
It is cute. C - U - T - E
What shape do you see on the cube?
I see diamonds on the cube.
What is the boy tugging?
The boy is tugging a box.
What can we put in a tub?
We can put water in a tub.
Is "nut" an adjective, a verb or a noun?
Nut is a noun.
Is mud clean or dirty?
Mud is dirty.
Do people live in, on, or under a hut?
People live in a hut.
What do you have fun doing?
I have fun ____________.
Is "cut" a who, what, where, when, why or action word?
Cut is an action word.
What is the name of this bug?
It's a ladybug.