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Energy Lessons 1-3 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can any object have stored energy? How do you know?
Any object that is lifted off of the ground has stored energy since gravity is pulling on it.
Moving objects has energy of ___________.
When people speak what is being transferred and to where?
Sound is transferred into the air.
The sun can transfer what 2 types of energy?
light, heat
You are at a concert and you can feel the ground vibrating. Why can you feel the ground vibrate?
Energy from the sound of the drums transfers to the road.
When an object gives off light, it ________ _________?
transfers energy
All sound starts with?
When 2 objects of the same weight traveling at different speeds collide head on, both objects....?
bounce backward and travel at their original speed of the other object.
Name 2 variables in the Science 1 meter challenge
degree on protractor, how high the ball is dropped, ramp, ruler
What happens when two objects collide?
Energy is transferred from one object to another.
When an object moves slower, its energy of motion _____________.
To quickly move back and forth repeatedly. I can feel a ______________ when the music plays.
To shift or move from one object to another. A moving object can ________ its energy to another object.
To bounce off. All materials that you can see __________ light.
The ability to make an object move or to cause a change.
Having the same total amount before and after a change happens. Scientists say that energy is ________ since it cannot be created or destroyed.
To touch something while moving. A moving object ______ with another object.
To take in. When light transfers energy to material, the material _______ of the energy.