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True or False? Isabella's space shuttle had a pink heart on it.
Does Amelia have a little sister or little brother?
a little sister, Alaina
What month is Zibraan's birthday? A. June B. December C. August
B. December
In Zibraan's story about a magic potion, what did the potion change his mom into? a. a hamburger b. a hotdog c. a turkey
a. a hamburger
True or False? Dakota's birthday is in August during the summer?
What is Sadie's dog's name? a. Fido b. Rusty c. Gizmo
b. Rusty
True or False? Mohammed has a little brother named Malek.
What is Arianna's sister's name? a. Sofia b. Lyla c. Donna
a. Sofia
True or False? Kali does not have a little brother.
What pet did Riley's sister get for Christmas? a. a bunny b. a turtle c. a kitten
c. a kitten
True or False? Lyla does not like LOL Dolls or slime.
True or False. John has visited many historical places, including battlefields.
True or False? Gabriel plays the guitar.
What game does Delis like to play? A. Among Us or B. Sonic
A. Among Us
How many sisters does Max have? A. 1 B. 4 C. 2
C. 2
Where does Ananyelix's dad live? A. Puerto Rico B. Texas C. Italy
A. Puerto Rico
True or False? Eilise got a toy kitchen for Christmas.
What is Julia's sister's name? a. Hailey b. Kaylee c. Sam
b. Kaylee
True or False? Stela has many interesting pets.
What is the name of Miss Tattoli's dog?