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Mr. B's questions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does yoga help your health? helps your heart helps you relax
What exercise makes your stomach muscles strong? push ups or sit ups
sit ups
What should you always do at the end of the game? shake hands or get a trophy
shake hands
What sport do you hit the ball back and forth with your hands, over a net?
Name on player on the raves team
Lamar jackson
What is the name of the sport where you tackle the player with the ball?
The pacer test tests your .... strength or endurance?
What do you use to catch a ball in baseball or softball? glove or bat
How do you make a point in basketball
shoot a basket
what is it called when you bounce the ball in basketball?
What are some skills in soccer?
kick pass shoot dribble
What does it mean to be able to do exercise for a long time without getting tired. Endurance or strength
Name a sport that uses a net
tennis volleyball table tennis
Name 1 skill in basketball
shooting dribbling passing
stretching helps you improve your
heart or flexibility
jogging improves your
heart or muscles
Lifting weights improves your
heart or muscles
Name 2 different exercises.
jj sit ups jogging