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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He is playing the guitar at the moment - czy to zdanie jest poprawne?
It are running now. - Czy to zdanie jest poprawne?
Odpowiedz: Is he doing homework at the moment?
Yes, he is.
Odpowiedz: Is she dancing now?
No, she isn't
Co to za instrument?
Co to za instrument?
Napisz: "One w tej chwili śpią"
They are sleeping at the moment.
Napisz: "Tom teraz śpiewa"
Tom is singing now.
Co to za instrument?
Co to za instrument?
Napisz: "Czy oni jadÄ… na rowerze?"
Are they riding on a bike?
Napisz: Czy one jedzÄ… obiad?
Are they eating dinner?
Napisz: "Oni nie tańczą."
They aren't dancing.
Napisz: "Ja nie pływam"
I'm not swimming.
Co oznacza "at the moment"?
W tym momencie
Co oznacza słowo "now"?
Napisz "Ona czyta książkę"
She is reading a book.
Napisz "On oglÄ…da telewizjÄ™"
He is watching TV.