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Systems of Equations

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Solve the system of equations by substitution. 5x-4y=18 and x+y=-9
Solve the system of equations by substitution. x+y=15 and 4x+4y=10
No Solution
How should be write our final answers for a solution to the system?
Ordered Pair (x,y)
Solve for y in the following system. 2x-5y=-22 and x+7y=27
y = 4
Solve for y in the following system. 3x-5y=-12 and y=-x-4
y = 0
Solve for x in the following system. y=x-5 and x-7y=-1
x = 6
Solve for x in the following system. x=4y and x+2y=12
x = 8
Which equation would you rearrange in the system to solve by substitution? What does the equation look like when rearranged? 2x+y=-8 and 3x-5y=-25
First equation, y=-2x-8
Is the point (-1, -2) a solution to the system? x=4y+7 and 2x-6y=12
Is the point (-7, 2) a solution to the system? y=x+9 and 3x+8y=-5
What is the solution?
(1, -1)
When solving a system of equations with substitution, your variables cancel out and you are left with -3 = -3. What is your solution?
Infinite Solutions
When solving a system of equations with substitution, your variables cancel out and you are left with -5 = 5. What is your solution?
No solution
How many solutions does the system have?
One Solution
How many solutions does the system have?
No Solution
How many solutions does the system have?