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Adults-Free time activities

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You do this in the ocean. It's difficult to stand up!
You do this outside with flowers and plants. It's best in Spring and Summer.
You do this on a computer, phone or tablet.
Surf the Internet
This activity is relaxing and it cleans you.
Taking a bath/shower.
You do this in the kitchen.
You do this at Aire English School.
Studying English
Most kids love doing this.
Playing video games
This activity will leave you very tired as it uses your legs.
Throwing a circle shaped object
Throwing a frisbee
Grilling meat and vegetables outside.
Having a barbecue
Eating food outside with friends or family.
Having a picnic
You would use headphones for this activity.
Listening to music
You can play games like Uno using these.
Playing card games
You have to throw these six-sided thing..
Playing dice games
This activity is in a very dark room with other people. You might eat popcorn too.
Watching movies
You have to throw a heavy ball.
You can do this in a restaurant
Eating out
You do it in the mall.
This activity involves a bicycle.
You need a tent for this activity.
You go up a mountain.
You will get wet doing this.
It is a very cold activity in the snow