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Demeter is the god of what?
What solution did the gods come up with at the end of the story with Persephone & Hades?
Persephone will stay with her parents for 9 months and Hades for 3 months out of the year
How does the story end?
Orpheus turns around and Eurydice disappears forever
Does Orpheus follow Hades' rules?
Why does Hades agree to let Eurydice leave?
Persephone starts to cry so he feels compassionate
What happens to Earth when Demeter is sad?
Everything dies
Who does Orpheus see when he enters the castle?
Hades & Persephone
How long has it been since Kayron smiled?
7,000 years
Did Kayron smile from Orpheus' music?
What does Orpheus do to make Kayron smile?
He plays music for him
What is Kayron's job?
He takes dead people across the River Styx to the underworld
The old man tells Orpheus that the underworld is only for what kind of people?
Dead people
What does Orpheus do to get into the underworld?
He plays his lyre and Cerebus falls alseep
Does Cerebus let Orpheus into the underworld at first?
Who or what is Cerebus?
A three-headed guard dog of the underworld
Where does Orpheus travel to find Eurydice?
The underworld
Who feels responsible for Eurydice's death?
How does Eurydice die?
She gets bitten by a snake
How does Aristayus feel about Eurydice?
He is in love with her
Who is Aristayus?
Orpheus' friend who comes to visit
Who is Orpheus married to?
Who is Orpheus?
Famous musician