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The Pit and the Pendulum

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did the Prince host a party?
To escape the plague outside
How did The Masque of the Red Death end?
Everyone at the party died
Where did the narrator almost fall?
Into the pit
What did he hope to find in his pocket?
His knife
What type of death do the judges have in mind for the narrator?
Slow and painful death by torture
What did the narrator dread most when he opened his eyes?
Not seeing anything. Being buried alive
How many candles were on the table?
What did the judges look like?
Pale with black robes
What was the narrator's sentence in the beginning of the story?
What point of view is the story written in?
1st person
How does the story end?
He gets rescued
How does he escape?
The rats chew off his straps
How does he think he will die?
The pendulum will slice him
What does he discover when he wakes up?
He's tied up
How does he discover the pit in the center of the room?
He trips
What does he realize about the provisions brought to him?
They were drugged
Where does the story take place?
A dungeon in Toledo, Spain
What is the time period of the story?
At the end, the narrator is rescued by the army of which French general?
What does the narrator use to attract the rats?
What figure does the narrator find painted on the ceiling of his prison?
What does the narrator of "The Pit and the Pendulum" throw into the pit to determine its depth?
A stone
The narrator of "The Pit and the Pendulum" has been imprisoned by agents of which institution?
The Inquisition