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The Murders in the Rue Morgue

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who committed the murders?
The orangutan
Who was the owner of the orangutan?
A sailor on a Maltese ship
Who or what did Dupin believe the fingerprints belonged to?
An orangutan
Did investigators find any evidence of someone breaking in?
What is an undertaker?
A person who prepares dead bodies for funerals
What did the neighbor tell the newspaper?
He said the same as the policeman and that the voices didn't belong to either of the women
What did the policeman tell the newspaper?
He heard voices, then they suddenly stopped, could have been a man speaking French and a high voice speaking French
What did the Laundress tell the newspaper?
The two women never had visitors, they got along well & their windows were always closed
What is a laundress?
A woman who washes clothes
What did the banker tell the newspaper?
Three days before her death she took out 4,000 francs and it was sent to her house
What were Madame L'Espanaye injuries?
Her throat was cut open
Where did they find the body of Madame L'Espanaye?
In the garden
In what position was Madame's body in when they found her in the chimney?
Her head was hanging down
Judging by Madame's injuries, what could have been her cause of death?
What did they find in the chimney?
Camille's body
What is soot?
Ashes and pieces left over from a fire
What is a franc?
Money in France, Belgium, Switzerland & some other countries
What was found on the floor that was valuable?
A necklace and two bags containing 4,000 gold francs
What did the neighbors and policemen encounter on the fourth floor?
There was broken furniture, blood, the mattress in the middle of the room, razors & hair
How many women were murdered?
What made Monsieur C. Auguste Dupin good at solving mysteries?
He had read a huge number of books, he had a vivid imagination and he had a talent of putting facts together