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Adults 4 - B2.1File 2A

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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At the end of term, you are all going to have a ....
drink at the Zeppelin if Covid allows.
The person who usually reconnects the fastest in Zoom.
Cristina or Lidia - María and the others take the chance to have a break.
María José doesn’t believe I have actually bought an old .....
Some people can’t live without their ....
iPhone - Samsung or any other brand is wrong.
This is what you do when you buy a present for someone.
You wrap it up.
This what you do to clothes before you pack them.
Fold or roll
It’s a good idea to take an extra .... even if you are only going to travel overnight.
You can put all your toiletries in this.
You should always take this out before you travel to a foreign country.
Travel insurance
Spell what you you use to cut paper.
Spell what you wear to bed.
When people stay in hotels they sometimes steal these.
Flippers or bathrobe
You will need this if you travel to a tropical country.
Insect repellent
Noise cancelation...... are great when you travel by plane or train.
Headphones or earphones
Pedro always leaves this behind when he flies to Barcelona.
Charger or adapter
You don’t need this if you go to a nudist beach.
Swimsuit or trunks
You were these on your feet on the beach.
I’m thinking of giving up my job. ✔️ or ❌
I’m hungry. I ....... something to eat.
I’m thinking this is your key. ✔️ or ❌
Enrique’s sauce is great! It is tasting or it tastes really good.
It tastes really good.
Are you believing in God? ✔️ or ❌
I’m feeling hungry this evening. ✔️ or ❌
I feel hungry this evening. ✔️ or ❌
I (see) the manager tomorrow morning at 9.00.
I’m seeing the manager tomorrow morning at 9.00.