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KB2 My town and Animals
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The boy is ________ the ball.
What is grandma doing?
grandma is cleaning the table
The place where people go to drink coffee
How do you ask for orange juice?
Can I have some water please?
What is she doing?
The place where children play
The car is on the _______.
A place where you buy things
You go here when you are sick
What is this form of transport called?
It is called a bus
Why is Marie angry?
because Maskman woke them up and is counting sheep
What do you say when someone says (I love horses)
So do I or I don´t
Tell me the name of 3 of these fruits
pineapple, watermelon, bananas, mangoes
What are the animals that lay eggs?
Where are the ducks?
They are on the armchair
Where is the spider?
It is on the sofa
Where are the frogs?
They are in the bathroom
Where are the cows?
They are in the kitchen
Tell me the name of 3 of these
desk, cupboard, armchair, bed, bathtub, bookcase
The name of this animal is :::: d_ _ _ey
Tell me the name of these animals
spider and horse
Tell me the name of these animals
snake and frog
Tell me the name of these animals
bird and fish
What letters are missing from the name? _pid_r
S (es) and E (ii)
What is this animal?
It is a sheep
What are the letters missing from the name? g_ _ t
O (ou) and T (ti)
What is this animal?
It is a duck
What are the two letters missing in the name? _ro_
F (ef) G (yi)
What is this animal?
What is this animal?