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POLS-Y103- Ch. 9

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a private bill?
A bill that would help a specific individual/give them some type of aid or relief (usually in regard to citizenship)
T/F: Congressional polarization has been increasing since the 1970s
What is gerrymandering?
The apportionment of voters in districts in a way that is unfair (racial or ethnic group or political party)
What is patronage?
The benefits that constituents receive from their representative
Which chamber of Congress is based on population?
House (based on districts, allotted 435 members for 50 states)
How many representatives are in the House?
How many members are in the Senate?
100 (2 per state)
Which chamber has 2 year term appointments?
House of Representatives
Which chamber has 6 year term appointments?
What is a filibuster?
Tactic used in the Senate to block or prevent action on legislation
T/F: The president can write and support a bill as long as it is proposed in Congress by a member
T/F: The president can directly propose a bill to Congress
Which type of representation allows constituents to hire & fire their representative?
Agency representation