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Gerund or infinitive
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I couldn`t make up my mind what (eat) tonight - burger king or kfc.. but then I saw my teacher next to kfc and I didn`t give her my homework so... I found it easier (decide)
to eat, to decide
I`m so smart and handsome! I’m also good at (run) away from people who envy me haha
English is one of my favourite subjects and I really enjoy (learn) grammar
I`m thinking of (apply) to university when I’m older but I’m not sure what I want (study) yet
applying, to study
(design) buildings takes many years of training
______ is used after prepositions
_____ is used after verbs of liking or disliking, e.g. like, love, enjoy, can’t stand, don’t mind, hate
______ is used with go to talk about physical activities.
After what verbs is gerund used?
admit, avoid, consider, risk, suggest.
______ is used after certain verbs like admit, avoid, consider, risk, suggest.
After what verbs is infinitive used?
want, learn, agree, decide, expect, forget, hope, seem, try, would like, appear, arrange, ask, try, manage, help,need, promise
________ is used afterwant, learn, agree, decide, expect, forget, hope, seem, try, would like, appear, arrange, ask, try, manage, help,need, promise
______ is used after expressions with too, enough, the first, the last
_________ is used after adjectives
____ is used to explain WHY somebody does something
_______ is used as a subject/object in a sentence