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Freak The Mighty Chapters 11-15

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Max nicknamed the "kicker"?
He likes to kick people who try to hug him
What kind of weapon does Tony D have in the beginning of the story?
A knife
What holiday do the boys celebrate together in the beginning of the story?
4th of July
Why is Gwen shocked the first time she sees Max?
He looks exactly like his dad
Where did Freak take Max on their journey in the beginning of the story?
A hospital
How does Gram know Gwen?
Gwen was friends with Max's mom
Who are Grim & Gram?
Max's grandparents
What did the boys discover in the drain?
A purse
What is referred to as "Down Under?
The basement, which is Max's room
Why was the whole class chanting, "Freak the Mighty, Freak the Mighty!"
Kevin is riding on Max's shoulders acting like a knight on a horse, ordering everyone around
What did Freak choke on?
American Chop Suey
What are the Testaments?
A group of apartments that are rundown and in a poor part of town.
What did the sign on Max's present say?
"Press Here and Be Amazed"
What kind of paper did Freak use to wrap Max's present?
The Sunday comics
Who is standing by Max's bed and puts a hand over his mouth when he awakens?
Kenny, his dad
What has Grim and Gram concerned about before Christmas?
Max's father, Kenny, is up for parole
What is Max dreaming about on Christmas Eve the night before he is awakened?
A little snowman that looks like Freak
Who is Annie?
Max's mother
True or False. For Christmas Freak gives Max a blank book
Which character is Grim and Gram's child?
Max's mother
Which character lost her purse to thieves?
Loretta Lee
Which word means poisonous?
Which character must have been married to a magician?
Which character took Max out to buy new clothes?
Which character wouldn't leave Kevin & Max alone?
Tony D
Which character wrote his own dictionary?