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Face to Face Calls Manners

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look at the camera when you FaceTime.
Text your friend and ask when is a good time for a video call.
Yes, great idea!
Facetime late at night or early in the morning.
No, you should be sleeping and your friend is, too!
Facetime late at night or early in the morning.
No, you should be sleeping and your friend is, too!
FaceTime in a quiet place.
Yes, your friend will be able to hear you!
Play with your dog or cat during a video call.
Walk around without your phone when you are talking to a friend on FaceTime.
No, stay in front of your camera!
Sit in a dark room when you video call someone.
No, the person won't be able to see you!
FaceTime someone who is driving.
No, call later.
Talk really loud when you are on a video call.
No, talk normally.
FaceTime when you are in bed.
No, get up and get dressed!
Don't read your texts when on a FaceTime call.
That's right! Read your texts later!
Watch TV while you are on a video call.
No, pay attention to your friend!
Pay attention to your friend when you are FaceTiming.
Yes, your friend wants to talk to you!
Eat while you are on a FaceTime call.
No, that's rude!
Make sure you have enough light when you are making a video call.
Face the camera when on a video call.
Yes, that's a good idea.
Make a FaceTime call in the bathroom.
No, that's just rude!
Wear your robe and pajamas when you make a video call.
No, that's a not a good idea!
Get dressed before you FaceTime.
Yes, that's a good idea!
Text "Can I FaceTime you now?'
Yes, that's a good idea!
Video Call someone without asking.
Not a good idea!