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Science Unit 4-Common Assessment #2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What two types of erosion cause landslides?
water erosion and gravity erosion
What forces cause metamorphic rock?
heat and presure from above the rock pressing down on it
Can harder minerals scratch softer minerals?
Can softer minerals scratch harder minerals?
Is solar power a renewable or nonrewable resource?
Solar power is a renewable resource.
Is wind power a renewable or nonrenewable resource?
Wind power is a renewable resource.
Is limestone classified as a renewable or nonrenewable resource?
Limestone is a nonrenewable resource.
A nonliving solid with a crystal form is called a ___________.
When sediment is left behind or comes to its final resting spot it is called ________.
All kinds of weathering produce _________.
What are common natural resources found in Florida?
Water, phosphate, limestone, soil, silica, plants, animals
What characteristic of a mineral could scientists study under a microscope?
the repeated crystal shape of the mineral
Why is it important to develop renewable energy resources?
Nonrenewable energy resources are limited and we could run out of them.
What order do moon phases go through?
new moon, 1st quarter moon, full moon, 3rd quarter moon
When you scratch a mineral on a ceramic plate, what are you testing?
The mineral's streak
How could two scientists see different constellations in the night sky at the same time?
They are on opposite sides of the Earth.
What is erosion?
The movement of broken off rock
What type of rock is formed when magma or lava hardens?
igneous rock
What is a nonrewable resource?
Resources that cannot be replaced easily or can never be replaced.
What is a renewable resource?
a resource that can be replaced quickly or easily
When a rock is exposed to very high temperatures and pressures and it changes into a new kind of rock, what kind of rock will it become?
a metamorphic rock
What kind of rock has layers of sediment that get cemented together under pressure?
sedimentary rock
What is weathering?
Anything that breaks apart rocks
What does the "10" hardness rating of a diamond mean?
It is a very hard mineral.
What does the "1" hardness rating of talc mean?
It is a very soft mineral.
What are minerals?
crystals that make up rocks
What is one way you could model craters forming on the moon?
Drop droppers full of water onto a pan of flour. Can you think of another?
What is revolution?
the movement of one object around another
What makes the sun appear to move across the sky during the day?
The earth's rotation makes the sun appear to move throughout the day.
Do constellations change postition in the sky throughout the night?
Yes, due to the earth's rotation it seems like the constellations are moving across the sky during the night.
What causes the sun to set and makes day turn into night?
The Earth rotates from west to east, making the sunrise and sunset each day.
What do we call the spinning of the earth on its axis?
How long does it take for the moon phases to go through one cycle?
About a month or 4 weeks
Why are some constellations able to be seen during certain seasons?
The Earth's revolution (orbit) around the sun only allows for some of the constellations to be seen at any one time