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American Government

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The military government only lasted for how many years?
3 years
This was established after the US triumphed in the Mock Battle of Manila
Military Goverment
Law that prohibited the use of the Katipunan flag
Flag Law of 1907
Title of the leader of the civil government
Civil Governor
Law that implemented the zoning of towns with high levels of criminal activity
Reconcentration Act of 1903
he first US commission sent to investigate about the situation in the Philippines
Schurman Commission
This was implemented by convincing anyone not to use his or her abilities in opposition of the government.
This was established in 1901. This commission is composed of Filipino lawmakers.
Philippine Commission
Under this government, the Filipinos were given more opportunities to participate in administration.
Civil Government
Who served as first governor of the Philippines in 1898.
Wesley Merritt
He was the first head judge of the Supreme Court.
Cayetano Arellano
This government aimed to bring peace to the Philippines and prepare it for a civil government.
Military Government
This was established on August 14, 1898 after the American’s triumph in the Mock Battle of Manila.
Military Government
This US Commission was led by Dr. Jacob Schurman
Schurman Commission
This US Commission shifted the Philippine Government from military to civil
Taft Commission
This US Commission arrived in the Philippines on June 3, 1900
Taft Commission
This US Commission was led by William Howard Taft
Taft Commission