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Pass the Tape
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What tool is it? What can you do with it?
It is a fork. I can eat food with it.
What tool is this? What can you do with it?
It is a hammer. I can build with it.
Make a funny face.
Find something with a ZIG ZAG and show it to teacher.
Can you think of some words that have the sound of 'qu'?
quilt, Quinn, quiet, quit, quick,
Can you use the word 'play' in a sentence?
Can you use the word 'little' in a sentence?
What time of day is it? What can you find in the sky?
It is noon. I can find clouds in the sky.
What time of day is it? What can you find in the sky? What do you say?
It is morning. I can find the sun in the sky. I say "Good Morning".
What time of day is it? What can you find in the sky?
It is night. I can find the moon in the sky.
How do you pronounce 'cap'? How do you pronounce 'cape'?
Which name/word is correct? 'Dave' or 'dave'?
Dave is correct.
Which name/word is correct? 'Jane' or 'jane'?
Jane is correct.
What is the title of the book we read today?
The title is "Pass the Tape".
Can you make a sentence with the word 'give'?
I can give teacher a smile.