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Our World 6 Unit 3 Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You have to ______ the ingredients together really well before you put them in the oven.
My family only eats cake for a special ___________.
Oh no! I've lost the paper where my grandmother wrote down her special cake _________.
To make coffee sweeter, add a ____________ of sugar.
teaspoon / gram
This kind of spice smells nice. It's brown and it's called _____________.
Do you know the __________ of chocolate? It's from the Americas!
Cacao grows on tress in the form of __________.
The opposite of liquid is ____________.
I think that ___________ is a boring flavour, but it tastes good in ice cream.
_______________ and strawberry are my two favorite fillings.
Cocoa ____________ is dry, but you can drink it if you add hot milk.
Last weekend I _____________ (work) so hard on my homework that I forgot to eat lunch!
Last weekend I was working so hard on my homework that I forgot to eat lunch!
At 2pm last Tuesday, Maialen ______________ (eat) lunch with her grandmother, so she couldn't have stolen your tablet.
At 2pm last Tuesday, Maialen was eating lunch with her grandmother, so she couldn't have stolen your tablet.
What ________ you _________ (do) on Sunday night? I called you but you didn't answer your phone.
What were you doing on Sunday night? I called you but you didn't answer your phone.
On Saturday afternoon we ______________(play) football because the weather was perfect.
On Saturday afternoon we were playing football because the weather was perfect.
At 10pm last night I __________ (sleep) when my sister ___________ (jump) on my bed.
At 10pm last night I was sleeping when my sister jumped on my bed.
His clothes ________ (do not) fit anymore because he ____________ (grow) so much over the summer.
His clothes did not fit anymore because he had grown so much over the summer.
The ____________ (can) speak French because they __________ (learn) in school.
They could speak French because they had learned it in school.
She _________(be) not hungry because she _____________(just eat) dinner.
She was not hungry because she had just eaten dinner.
When he _______________ (arrive) at the swimming pool, he realized he _______________ (not take) his bathing suit.
When he arrived at the swimming pool, he realized he had not taken his bathing suit.
When they ______________ (get) to the station, the train _____________ (already leave).
When they got to the station, the train had already left.