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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence with the word BALANCHINE'S BALLETS
Balanchine's ballets are performed here.
Verdi Picasso Beethoven Michelangelo Shakespeare
Verdi's operas Picasso's paintings Beethoven's symphonies Michelangelo's Sculptures Shakespeare's plays
Arrange the words to complete the sentence: you that Did know was Aida first Egypt performed in?
Did you know that Aida was first performed in Egypt?
Hoover Oliveira
Hoover Dam Oliveira Bridge
Erie Trans-Siberian
Erie Canal Trans-Siberian Railway
When was the Taipei 101 Building constructed? ( 1999- 2004)
it was started in 1999, and it was finished in 2004.
When was the Trans-Siberian Railway constructed? ( 1971 -1988)
It was started in 1971, and it was finished in 1988.
Arrange the words to complete the sentences: 1825 The Canal completed Erie was.
The Erie Canal was completed in 1825.
Arrange the words to complete the sentence? here Picasso's are paintings displayed.
Picasso's paintings are displayed here.
Give some Arts go with DISPLAY?
Picasso's paintings Michealangelo's sculptures.
Give some Arts go with PERFORM.
Verdi's operas Shakespeare's plays Beethoven's symphonies Balanchine's ballets.
Whose operas are performed here?
Verdi's operas are performed here.
Did you know that Shakespeare's first play was written in 1589? ( No)
I didn't know that.
Did you know that Aida was first performed in Egypt? ( Yes)
Yes, I knew that.
When was the channel Tunnel constructed? (1988-1994)
It was started in 1988, and it was finished in 1994.